Monday, January 01, 2001

Was I Asking For Too Much?

I never asked you to love me back. I just wanted you to know I'm alive...that I actually care for you like I've never cared for anyone.

I never asked you to put your arms around me. I merely wanted some kind of comfort...comfort after my lonesome realization that you will never ever be mine.

I never asked you to kiss me back. I only wanted to taste those lips of yours that some other man is probably kissing at this very moment.

I never asked for your company. I just wanted you to turn your back and leave me before I fall too hard that leaving and forgetting would already be too much of an effort.

I never asked you to fathom the depths of my emotions for you. I merely wanted you to stay put and feel it.

I never asked for you to leave him. I only wanted a piece of your time. Just a little bit of it

Leave now. Before it's too late.


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